
Please pray for Tanzania, following three Al Massira trainings. 25 participants were in one of the groups, some of whom had sought a second training due to how helpful it had been. Pray for a Brother, ‘A’ who has led ten groups of seekers following an Al Massira training. ‘A’ is from a major religious background and has been leading others to Christ from the same background. Hallelujah! Pray for the 18 participants in one of the groups, as they are very eager to apply what has been taught. May the LORD strengthen, unite and increase His Church in Tanzania.
Christine and David Torrance are CMS mission partners newly arrived in Kondoa, Tanzania, where they are looking to come alongside local Christians in discipleship and ministry and David teaches at Kondoa Bible College. Christine and David ask for prayer that Jesus remain their first love, for more of the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and for David as he begins teaching theology in Swahili.
Pray for Africa following Al Massira’s recent face to face gathering in Sierra Leone where 15 African nations were present. The Gospel is being shared through the AM resources in several languages. Two fruitful trainings have just taken place in Tanzania, and others in Uganda, Mozambique and another coming up in Kenya early in 2023. Pray for Holy Spirit power, courage, and wisdom for the Persecuted Church, particularly in Nigeria. May the faithful team there and across Africa know the presence, power, and peace of the King as He loves and leads them forward to advance His Kingdom across Africa!

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