Cyber-Security: “If you only do one thing….”
Organised by Global Connections
Event type: Online
Date: 06 November 2024
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Cost: £15
Event Details
Cyber-Security: “If you only do one thing….”
We've all heard about cyber-security threats, but are we guilty of thinking that it won’t happen to us? Or maybe we understand the threat but feel daunted when faced with the long list of things we need to do to protect ourselves and the charities we work with. Wouldn’t it be handy if someone gave us a concise summary of the most impactful things we could do? That’s what Robert Knaggs (Managing Director, Solutions Squared) and Nick Swain (Principal Consultant at Zorva Consulting) will do during this event.
During this 90-minute online event, we will look at the key cyber-security issues facing UK charities today and develop a deeper understanding of what being a victim of cyber-crime can look and feel like. However, unlike other events of this type, where you leave with a depressingly long list of things to do (that, if we’re honest, probably gets filed in the ‘do it when I have time’ pile), we’ll share with you the single-most important thing you should do – “if you only do one thing, do this…” to protect your charity against the most common cyber threats.
Having trained as a lawyer, but finding he spent all of his time sorting the office IT issues, Robert Knaggs set up his own business providing managed IT services to organisations. Solutions Squared was established in 1999 and has been solving IT challenges ever since. It has helped organisations journey through the adoption of mass computing; to dealing with the internet; the cloud revolution and now AI. With his own Christian faith underpinning the service principles on which the business was founded, the business has specialised in helping non-profits make the most of their IT budget.
Nick Swain is the founder of Zorva Consulting, and his passion is to help charities stay safe and deliver more impact. Focusing totally on the non-profit sector, Zorva Consulting works with charities of all sizes to demonstrate compliance with the UK GDPR and international data protection legislation and best practice. As time permits, Nick also helps charities review their Theory of Change, and runs User Story Mapping and Business Process Improvement workshops. Nick has accreditations for GDPR and Prince2 Project Management and has a diploma in Fundraising Management. He attends a conservative evangelical church in Kent with his wife Janice.
Who is this event for: anyone who works in or with UK charities, especially those who have a role or interest in IT, digital, or governance. No prior technical knowledge is required. You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the event.
Venue: Online
Date & Time: Wednesday 6th November at 11:00am -12:30pm
Cost: £15 for members of the GC members & MAP agencies., or £45 for non-members.
Don't miss this chance to boost your cyber-security and resilience. Register now and secure your spot.
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